DDS4Kids is a federal and state licensed non-profit health organization with the exclusive purpose to provide charitable dental care treatment and preventive dental health education on a long-term basis to children and adults living in deep poverty in the developing countries in the world. Dentists, health professionals, and non-health volunteers are needed on each team. While sharing our skills and resources with the underserved rural populations, team members will have an opportunity to experience the unique beauty of the country and its people that most tourists do not come to know.
We take dental care and hygiene to places that do not get the attention many take for granted. We also provide dental education sessions and gifts of useful household items to hundreds of family with children under 5 years of age. Simple items like clothing, blankets, toothbrushes, and school supplies. There is nothing more satisfying than to be able to help the children and families of farmers, labor workers, people who have very little, who truly deserve our help, and who are grateful for our effort.
Every year we help tribal children from the Central Highland who suffer with birth defect, burned victims, and victims of other tragic accidents from rural areas to receive much needed reconstruction surgery in major hospitals.
Our efforts are not only in far-away places in Asia and Africa, we also provide free dental education and dental screenings for the children in low income areas of the Appalachian mountains.
DDS4Kids has an impeccable reputation everywhere we go and we continue
to receive many requests in far flung villages. We are continuously
making effort to reach out to more children as our funds allow.

The result of a good education is not knowledge, it is action.
Teach them to fish so they can feed themselves.
Community empowerment through
basic health education
is a very important part of our efforts wherever we go.
We do the same thing every year when we travel to Vietnam, in every village we reach, every child we treat, it is the same work, day after day, and year after year, yet every mission trip is filled with excitement and joy.
Every year, we try to reach the distant villages that no team has ever been, we spent hours on the dirt road, crossing rivers by boat and ferry, we come to where the children live, in their rural towns, in their elementary schools, we come to say that "YES WE CARE". Our team of volunteers help each other, working closely everyday to make seeing 300 kids or more a day possible.
If you see us work, it's like seeing our hearts dance..... In the tropical heat of the long days we treated a sea of school children in our make shift clinics: an exam station, a waiting table where the kids play with puzzles and coloring books while waiting for their turn, 2 stations of fluoride treatment, 2 stations of surgery, 1 station of sterilization, 1 station as pharmacy, and one station as gift package pick-up.
Behind the scenes we are lucky to have a team of dedicated helpers who boil water to make milk for our patients, get hundreds and hundreds of gift packages ready, cook lunch for our team, bring us drinks and snack during the long day when we had no time to stop for break. Actually there is no break, we start working the minute we reach the school, and we only make a short stop for lunch and then go on until the last kid is treated and there is no more daylight. We travel over 10,000 miles to get to these villages, and we want to help the most kids as we could, that is all to it.
DDS4Kids is a non-profit humanitarian organization with no paid staff, only life-long volunteers.